Wednesday 28 October 2020

Livening up the House

28.10.20: Early morning sunshine in the village promised well for our trip up to Prats de Mollo, a large walled village dominated by a 17th century  fort built by Vauban at 1,540m. Took the covered tunnel route up after exploring the ramparts around the church What a test of determination, leg and knee strength. Came back by the much easier winding path. Because of the new regulations we were unable to find just a drink so we  drove even higher, to eat our picnic. Considerably cooler and cloudier, the views were splendid. Carrying on afterwards to the Col d Ares, on the border where thousands of Spanish refugees fleeing Franco crossed, we once again marvelled at spectacular countryside.

Wound our way back, stopping at Amelie les Bains, a spa town where (on the whole) elderly folk come to take "the cure" grace of the French health system. Not an awe inspiring place though we did find somewhere serving drinks. 11€ not very well spent.

After another cuppa at home, Valérie set to and planted up the violas and cyclamen that she'd treated me to. Here's hoping for some sunny days to let me sit on thd patio to enjoy them.

Fortified by an apéro we all gathered around the tv to hear Président Macron announce the latest covid measures. Long and short of it, there's another national lockdown with certain exceptions to be reviewed after a month. So, I'll only be allowed out to shop for essentials, keep medical appointments and take an hour's exercise day within a 1 km radius. Each trip out will need an accompanying form. Hope I'll be able to pass a month without falling out with myself. Non essential shops and businesses will be closed. Comes into force tomorrow at midnight.

Weather: 18° at the bottom of the valley, 10° at Prats and 7° on the border.

27.10.20: All but one bar/restaurant was closed in Céret so J & F came over here for

coffee. Ève could serve coffees etc but not alcohol without food. After lunch we went to céret to buy plants for my very sad looking window boxes and had a drink at the France. Don't understand the logic but Christophe was able to have a beer. Valérie did dinner which was a welcome relief. All the discussion today is that there's another lockdown coming and that an announcement will come tomorrow. Feeling is that it won't be general because of the economic situation; maybe the 65+ will be the target. Others think that there will be more restrictions at  weekends. Que sera!

Weather: 19° feeling a lot warmer in the sun.

26.10.20: Family were out most if the day. Finished the Longmire series. More cooking. Supermarket with Nick. My first visit to the new Lidl. Surprising what passes for fun these days!

Weather: 17° Overnight showers. Sunshine later.

Ah well, an extra hour in bed due to the clocks changinging didn't do  much for my brain cells as I ended up spreading red Thai curry paste on a tart base, thinking that it was red pesto!

Coffee at the bar and then despite the fridge being fuller than it's ever been for a very lonc time, I said yes to the invitation to have lunch at the café. Yet again, there was no time  for a rest as dinner for JJ needed to be prepared (fish pie topped with sliced potato). My goodness, I was tired by the time all was finished.

Weather: 19°, blue sky clouding over

 24.10.20: Of course the market and a drink at the bar under the new rules that bars were to be closed but bar/restaurants could open as long as drinks were served with food. So, teas and coffees came with a a wrapped biscuits for 10c extra. Alcolol with bread and paté. There is also a 9pm curfew starting in place for 2 weeks (initially). The restaurant has decided to close up as the new regime just isn't workable for them so Jacques, Véronique, JJ and yours truly went for a last lunch. Good that it was warm enough to sit outside. Couldn't rest up and digest my meal as I normally would as there was dinner       (chicken and chorizo traybake) to prepare  for this evenings meal. Christophe and family arrived and after dinner, it was early nights all round.

Weather: 23° sunny, later cloud bringing a rain shower

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