Tuesday 6 October 2020

The Eyes have it!

6.10.20: Another morning without a treadmill session. There was an early morning check up to attend. Michel kindly took me as there wasn't a bus. Have another one at the end of the week. Had a coffee on our return at the bar. Jacques offered me lunch which I gladly accepted and watched "Summerland" in the afternoon. A bit of computer time and then more tv interspersed with 2 lots of drops to use 3x/day and 1 to use 4x/day. Almost need a spreadsheet to keep track of it all.What's even worse, eye make up is prohibited for a week and what with that and the ravages of the operation, I look as if I've aged 10 years so the selfie is not for publication.

Weather: 22°, sunshine and clear blue skies

5.10.20: Admission to clinic for cataract op at 10h30; home by 14h45. Taken by Jacques and collected by Françoise. All went well. Under instruction, I spent the rest of the day resting avoiding the computer, tablet and smart phone; only the tv was allowed. Not a guilty thought in my head!

Weather: 20°, sunshine and cloud. Sun in the morning, rain in the afternoon


4.10.20: Even though Martine, Nicole and Jacques were coming for lunch, there was still time to have a session on the treadmill; I'd taken an easier road than usual and ordered a couscous from the local butcher. There was even time for a cuppa at the café. The meal for 3 was loads for the 4 of us and there's enough left over to literally see me through the week. Now, that's what I'd call a result! We toasted Martine as it's her birthday tomorrow and gave her the choice of which decoration to put on the cake. Next Sunday we're all invited over to hers for a second round. Another result!

Ended the afternoon with a cup of Lapsong at Michel's and spent another evening watching TV.
Weather: 19° and blue sky for most of the day, becoming cloudy and chillier with rain.

3.9.20: A coffee at the market in the morning with Jean, Françoise, Jacques and Nicole. Made dessert and some savouries for tomorrow's lunch. Spent the evening watching tv.

2.10.20: Coffee with Françoise; just about warm enough to sit outside. Heavy rain came on after lunch so I was really glad that Martine had offered to take me for my pre hospital admission covid test. It was the kind of day that just lent itself to a pot of tea and some tv when I got home. Well, if I'm honest a lot of tv.

Weather: Rain eased in the evening but temperatures dropped to an unseasonal 7°

1.10.20: Coffee with the usual Brits, lunch at home, caught up with the blog and made some nibbles to take to Jean-Jacques' hopefully to be enjoyed by his guests Michel, Françoise and Claude.

Weather: 20°, cloudy with sunny spells

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