Saturday 7 June 2008

Another busy day

Of course we went to the market in the morning and had our usual apéro in the shade of the plane trees where we were joined by Michel and Joëlle. There was a table of Brits next to us with a "Queen Bee" holding court. They asked Christian if he'd take a photo of them all which being the oliging sort of bloke that he is, he did despite the antics of "Madame B". With sign language and 2 words of French she insisted that he put the camera strap around his wrist and laughingly said to her companions that Christian obviously wanted to practice his English when he replied in my mother tongue. Snotty b---h! It's people like that who give the rest of us a bad name, sniff, sniff. By the time we left it was 1.30pm so rather than bothering to cook we went to the auberge.In the evening there was an official invitation to the gym-danse club's end of year show. We'd never ever been before but were pleased that we went along. The hall was packed and by the time we arrived there was standing room only.Costumes were very colourful and the scenarios imaginative. There must have been about 60 participants, tiny tots to adults; only one was a bloke! We were invited to join the organisers and cast at the end but before you get over-exited by the high life we're living, it was only cider and biccies (not sure that's the right spelling but I bet Bernadette can put me right!)

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