Monday 16 June 2008


The weather was fine this morning but by lunch time dark clouds started to threaten tha the promised "orage" wasn't too far away. When it finally came there was plenty of thunder but not an awful lot of rain. Spent most of the day catching up with the village website. My lack of fluency in French means that it takes an age to post messages. Then there's the delicate matter of selecting photos that won't upset people who don't won't their faces on the net. Am smarting from just such an encounter. the photo was taken at a public event by colleague but it was me that got it in the neck! Heat and kitchens spring to mind.Rowena stopped by on her way home to rifle through the books left over from St Jordi so we were able to catch up on the news. Diana arrived for an apéro so we contined to talk books as she organises the festival at Hay-on-Wye. They both brought me books to read though heaven knows when I'll get through everything on the shelf waiting to be read.

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