Sunday 29 June 2008

Busy Weekend

Busy or what? The market where there weren't too many people meaning that we were able to get a seat under th plane trees for our ritual apéro at midday. We were joined by Michel, Joëlle, their Roumanian visitors and Jean.
In the evening it was Carmen's (a member of the Mairie team) 60th birthday party in the village hall. This being the south there was a very substantial apéro to keep everyone going until the end of the rugby final which was projected in the hall! Not being bothered whether Toulouse beat Clemont Ferrand or not we nipped back to Jean-Jaques and Michelle's for a glass and peace and quiet. Timed it just right to go back for the meal though 10.30pm seemed a bit late to get tucked into paella. Finally made it home for 1.40am.
Sunday I was up with the lark to prepare a meal for the Kanes of Glasgow before we went to Nîmes (2 hours drive away) to see Jean-Louis who is just out of hospital and his wife Aimée. She's a great cook so what with a late night, the heat and a good meal we had to take a cat nap before pud. Made it home before our visitors arrived and then spent a wee while catching up on their (expensive) stay in Paris while enjoying the evening sun on the terrace.

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