Wednesday 4 June 2008

Wednesday Already

June came in with rain so we didn't venture very far from the house. To make matters worse there was no Sunday paper. Even Nono and Evelyn gave up and moved on after we'd had lunch! Monday Christian was "outposted " to the other village for his duty session after being at a finance seminar for most of the day.
Still, he and six others of us went for something to eat in the local hostalery. As usual, duck breast in Banyuls sauce or me. Last night there was a team meeting so Michelle and I enjoyed some late evening sun on the terrace of the bar with a glass of wine to help pass the time. Then, we all trooped back to Michel and Joelle's for supper, getting to bed at 1am.
Woke at 6am this morning with a busy time in prospect. Drafted an invitation on the computer to the centre of the village "fête des voisins" which is basically a neighbourhood get-together where everyone brings something to eat and drink to share with the others. Planned for Sunday, we can only hope the weather is good. By 9.15, the garden girls were off to buy some tools before coming back to the allotment to have it's boundaries verified. Never a dull moment, as they say. Scuttled around in the afternoon with Joëlle and Michelle delivering the handbills for Sunday. 300 in all for the centre of the village. Weather forecast is promising.
In the evening we had the relocated BBQ on Michel and Joëlle's terrace. 13 of us altogether, far too much to eat and at times enough smoke to elect a pope!

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