Saturday 14 June 2008

Sans Frontières

Made our usual trip to the market and had our usual apéro under the plane trees. Weather dull but we were joined by fiends which is always pleasant. during the afternoon I attended a meeting to try and recruit people for a "association" which hopes to bring people of all nationalities together around activities as a way of increasing mutual understanding and helping newcomers to integrate. it was a fairly small turn out but more than we'd expected. Now it's a question of analysing the interests that wee noted and how best to continue. In the evening we were invited to Jane and Phil's for dinner where we had the works - even a fish course. There was another British couple there as well as Michel and Joëlle.
Apparently Mr Bush has been in France but the event has totally passed us by. Sarko seems to be aspiring to dizzy presidential heights by ordering an "airforce one". It is of course an Airbus rather than a Boeing. suppose as he was busy with George he missed out on Wayne and Colleen's wedding. Well, I guess being out of the European Cup Rooney had a window of opportunity and filled it by getting hitched.

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