Thursday 3 July 2008

Free at Last!

Six years a hostage in the jungles of Colombia, Ingrid Betancourt is finally free along with several others. There are still more, however, who contine to be held in capitivity but she is from the l'Oréal family so there is alot of discussion about the amount of time that has been spent on her case and nothing about all the others. Still I think you can only be pleased that she and 15 others are free. It all happened really quickly and our President didn't know about it, so not as much personal capital as perhaps he would have wished???
In comparison, Maureillas was quiet with dull weather. Suz and I went for a good long walk and ended up joining the fellas at th bar for a coffee. For the rest of the day our visitors took it easy watching the tennis on the telly even though the Scottish interest was over. Went down to the garden wth good intentions to water only to be advised that it was too cold!

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