Monday 14 July 2008

The Longest Day

Bastille Day started early; the town council, partners and other 'bigwigs' assembled at 8.15 to drive in convoy up to our sister village in the mountains for a wreath laying ceremony. Was good fun if a bit parky at that time in the morning at 1000m up! The ceremony was followed by something to eat and drink - sweet or savoury, alcoholic or non-alcoholic before we wound our way back down to the village for another ceremony; this time we processed to the war memorial on foot. Speeches, the inauguration of the fountain, which after years of not working, now spouts water (using a closed circuit, I should add). Several rounds of Sardane, the traditional Catalan dance, preceeded an apéritif. Lunch for about 85 was a more elaborate re-run of last night's bbq. In the evening we were joined by Jean-Jacques and Michelle, Jacques, Maddo and Xavier for apéritifs before heading down to the recreation ground for a super firework display. Feeling pretty tired we gave the open-air disco a miss and went home to bed before midnight. Just don't have the staying power any more.

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