Sunday 27 July 2008

Still the Festivities Continue

Today is the day that village celebrates it's Catalan culture with several rounds of Sardane in the morning and again in the afternoon. This year there was also the inaugurtion of a fresco that some of the village kids have done to disguise a hideous eyesore. During the day the streets echoed to the "Llevant de Taula" at lunch time. Young people traditionally went around villages singing and collecting money during the fiesta; nowadays it's all done with a truck, cds and loudspeakers. Apparently ours is one of the few villages that continues the tradition. I always thought that the money went towards paying for booze but I learnt yesterday that it goes to help finance the festivities, so we were a lot more generous than in years gone by! In the evening we finally made it to the meal where we ate with others from the Mairie. This evening it was squid and chips which were accompanied by a concert of Catalan songs. The group that had played for the Sardane changed their shirts and their instruments and played into the early hours of the morning. Christian and I even made it on to the dance floor before heading home to bed.

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