Friday 11 July 2008

No time for Chores

I now relate to the Shirley Conran adage that "life's too short to stuff a mushroom". At the moment it also applies to anything remotely domestic. This morning started with a quick trip to our local market town for 8.45am. Not bad as it was after midnight when we arrivred home from the "fête de la bière". Then it was coffee with Yaneth and Jacques before a meeting with an English couple who have adopted a flower trough in the village. We're hoping the idea will catch on so they'll be getting some publicity on the village website. Having their photos taken next to the busy roundabout warranted at least a coffee at the bar so we followed the the sound of music and found the patron in good form! Coffee led on to a glass of wine and an invitation to Joëlle and Michel's for lunch. This evening we're invited to a BBQ at Josephine and Juste's. Today wasn't quite a no-cooking day as I was asked to bring Delia's coffee cake as a dessert. How on earth am I going to get myself into gear to prepare for the family who arrive next weekend when Monday is Bastille Day, Wednesday and Friday we're out and Thursday is the next installment of the aqua gym? Where's the fairy godmother when you need her?

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