Monday 24 November 2008

Au revoir Glesca!

Eddie once again saved us from the perils of public transport and gave us a lift to the Art Galleries where we meeting Andy and Maureen for lunch. It was such a stroke of luck that they were down from the Highlands at the same time as we were in town. We were able to see photos of the new bairn and what a wee darlin' he looks too and they were able to hear about our respective activities. You can see that Maureen is dead impressed by her friend in high places! What's more they've said they'll come and visit this year and now it's writing they'll just have to follow through, won't they? So, we said goodbye to them and then goodbye to Eddie when he dropped us off in the city centre where we were meeting Noel for the journey down to Mauchline. Eddie even gave us a farewell gift; lemsips for me and a packet of mushy peas for Christian which he'd found delicious when we'd had them the night before! I sometimes wonder if he doesn't have some ancestery from across the channel or perhaps it's to do with his Dad being Belgian....
Once at Ann and Noël's it was apéritifs, dinner and round the corner to the B&B as the bathroom was undergoing a reconstruction.

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