Wednesday 5 November 2008

Yes, we can!

Well, he did and millions of people are breathing a sigh of relief. We just have to hope that our euphoria will not be rewarded as we were in 1997 after Tony Blair's election. It was interesting to see Chrisitine Lagarde, Sarko's Minister of Finance who donated to Obama's senatorial campaign when she lived in Chicago on French tv. Then on the BBC there was an American journalist who writes for the Telegraph. Both obviously have right wing leanings and both are Obama supporters. Still, he was the best option so we'll have to see...
In the evening Linde came around with a bottle of fizz, we had one in the fridge so we toasted the dawn of a new era!
Apart from all that we spent the morning in Figueres shopping for wedding outfits. We were both successful so we went off to Can Renart for lunch. We'd never been before and had been told that it was good. Lovely stone building, 16€ menu, food well presented and service good. However, I do object to having to pay for bread, 1.50€ each. The wine was extra as well. It may seem a little churlish to complain about the prices but here there are other restaurants that are a better "rapport qualité/prix". After that we went to buy cava and had a look around the little museum that's attached to the celler. All in all, a good day.

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