Thursday 20 November 2008

Shopped Till We Dropped

You can see our bedroom from this photo. It looks out over the golf course though with such a dreary day, the view was some what limited. Undeterred by the drizzle, we set off for Ayr after a "full Scottish" that didn't have any porridge. Trailed round and round the shops before meeting up with Karen for lunch in "The West Kirk" which as it's name suggests is an old church. Trailed the same shops again in the afternoon looking for a top for the wedding. Found two and ended up wearing neither! One rather snooty woman was well put out as I hadn't taken the outfit in and I didn't know what fabric the suit was made from! Christian, through all this, was relatively patient but gave up in favour of having a coffee as I made a final tour of the town. In the evening Colin and sheila picked us up to go to the "Ruppee Room" in Ayr for a curry. Food was good but you just couldn't hear yourself think for the noise so a coffee across the road was a welcome relief.

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