Friday 21 November 2008

Wedding Bells

Bill and June pulled all the stops out for the wedding. Of course there was a piper to herald the arrival of the bride; there was a singer to keep us entertained while the register was being signed then a cartoonist and a local lad who had tried out for the "X Factor " while the photos were being taken in the grounds of 'The Brig o' Doon'.

That wasn't all... during the meal there was a trio of singers who had been passing themselves off as hotel staff during the afternoon, a pipe band, a video box, camera on the table to snap away as we enjoyed ourselves and fish and chips later on. Our table consisted of people who had worked in Toulouse, Marilyn and Alistair, our old neighbours, so we found plenty to talk about. Last orders in the hotel were called at 12.30 am so, it was across the road to the house that the family were staying in to drink some more. Managed to walk the mile home at 3am, goodness knows how!

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