Friday 7 November 2008

The Moment of Truth!

There's now the possiblity to tell it like it is. I've added comment boxes at the end of each post. Feel free to use them or not and I think I'm grounded enough to take a few "borings"!
Let me know if there is enough choice. Also on the sidebar there's now the possiblity to indicate that you are a follower. Come on all 4 of you, sign up!
After a busy day at the computer it was good to get for the opening of the new exhibition in the village. The artist has a style that we both liked and I think the you can see the influence of the Emerald Isle where he lived for many years. There was of course the usual apéritif to finish and an opportunity to meet new people and to catch up with old friends. The evening continued with dinner at Joëlle and Michel's. Delicious Tunisian soup, duck and lentils followed by cheese and chocolate mousse. Won't tell you how many helpings we had! On the way home we stopped off at the bar for a coffee but didn't stay too late.

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