Saturday 30 May 2009

Happily Ever After!

The day dawned bright and sunny so we had a trip to the market and sandwich lunch before strolling along the side of the canal with the others to the Mairie. The ceremony was conducted by a friend of Frank and Stéphanie's so there were some nice personal touches. No one knew any reason why they shouldn't be married and the deed was done. Back to the garden for chat and a snack to keep us going until the meal in the evening. With the hotel only a couple of hundred metres up the road we were able to rest and watch some tennis on the telly.
84 of us sat down to a good meal with an eastern mediterranean slant. Left the resto at 2am to dance the night away. Well the "younger ones" did; we headed for the comfort of our bed at 4.30am. Still as the only representatives of the older generation, we more than did our bit!
31st May
Another sunny day and back to the house for more food, more chat and more music that lasted until the evening. I took refuge in the Ibis about 4pm and only emerged to join Christian, Stéphane, Doro, Christelle and for a Chinese meal which in all honesty I didn't really want.

Friday 29 May 2009

Normandy Landing

27th-29th May
Stéphane and Doro arrived and after lunch together chez Christophe and Valérie we drove them over to Valérie and Guillaume's. The following day it was our turn to do dinner and Friday we left for Paris, the Ibis, a curry and what's more the rain finally stopped.

26th May
Met Christophe and had lunch by the sea. The waves were lashing the breakwater - all very exciting. By the evening all was calm when we called in to see Léon and Christiane for an apéro before making our way to Sylvie and Christophe's for dinner.
25th May
The crossing was good, the bed chair surprisingly comfortable and thank goodness we didn't need to eat. Just made it into harbour at 8am before the rain came on and a storm threatened. Went to Etretat for lunch and a walk around. The restos are so much more expensive than in Fécamp. Wonder if it's because the Brits tend to flock here. Went back to Le Havre to have tea with Jeanine. Just as we left a howling gale blew up. The rain just lashed down, roads flooded and it was almost impossible to see through the windscreen. It felt as if the end of the world was nigh. Apparently it was very localised as chez Christophe there was rain but no where near as ferocious as that which we'd just experienced.

Sunday 24 May 2009

Northward Bound

24th May
A last visit to see Dad who was able to walk to the gate to see us off and then lunch with Mum and Barbara at the pub in Brailes. Weather warm for the run down to Portsmouth where we met up with Bob and Chris at the Gun Wharf Quay. a really great development with shops, bars and restaurants overlooking the sea and the Isle of Wight ferries coming in. Certainly no sign of the much-talked about economic crisis here with the bar terraces and restaurants full. Still I suppose it was a bank holiday weekend. Had a nice meal at the "Brasserie Blanc". Of course, Raymond wasn't there although you would have thought so by the prices!

19th-23rd May
A few days taken at a fairly leisurely pace which included some shopping, visits to the family, trips to both Stratford and Evesham garden centres and dinner at Gail and Roger's. Spent some time with Dad who was looking so much better than last time. He was able to walk a bit and even managed to treat us to lunch at the "Black Horse" in Shipston. Poor old Jill missed out on the lunch and the two bunches of asparagus - how blessed it is to be the prodigal daughter!

18th May
Took the 5pm ferry and had a smooth crossing and an unappetising meal arriving at Jill's about midnight.
17th May
Drove over to Christophe and Valérie's in time for lunch. as they were just back from Guadeloupe it was on an Antilles theme complete with Planter punch!

16th May
Jojo and I went into Bayeux to look for something for the wedding and glad to say that we were successful. In the afternoon we went for a walk to Arramanche to the landing beach where in a couple of weeks' time the D Day commomoration will take place. A good Antilles meal in the evening rounded off the day.

15th May
A busy day. First to Vire where we had a walk around the market in the cold and wet and then to have lunch with Christian's Godmother and her husband. They were in good form. Next came the official part of the visit. Called in to see the Mayor of the town that we're twinned with. We received a very warm welcome and he received a tray of cherries. Apparently they hope to come and visit in October. By the time that we reached Jojo and François's the weather had warmed up and the Planter Punch was ready.
14th May
The early rises are paying off as we were able to get out and away for 9am. Set the GPS, the cruise control and let Abba blast out as we headed for northward. By the time we reached Toulouse the rain had set in, the temperature had dropped and we picniced in the car. Found a good b&b on a farm near Avranches and ate modern food in "Le Tripot" a restaurant in the town.

Wednesday 13 May 2009

A Day for Us

Well nearly ... a few things to do for the Association and the web site before we went off to Spain to buy booze, some paint which is much, much cheaper than in France and to have lunch. We ate well overlooking the river and then had a short stroll to look at the ducks and geese. Ah the simple things in life .... This evening Christian has a meeting at the Mairie and then we're invited to Joëlle and Michel's to eat and catch up with cousin Daniel.

Tuesday 12 May 2009


Those of you who have visited will be pleasantly surprised when you see how the middle cave has finally been done up. I'm just delighted that at last it's presentable, the bric à brac of life is relatively tidy and there's lots less dust. The downside has been that a mamonth clean up after all the work has had to be done in the pub. It's 2/3 complete so all will be spick and span for our first summer visitors. In between times life has ticked over with nothing extrordinary happening.

Sunday 10 May 2009

Flower Power

I just love this time of year. The weather is warm enough to have a glass of wine on the terrace, the swallows are zooming around and the poppies are in full bloom. They're my favourite flower; now, I wonder what that means?
No sooner said than Google can come up with the answer....
The flower symbolism associated with poppies is beauty, magic, consolation, fertility and eternal life. The Egyptians included poppies at funerals and in burial tombs. The Greeks used poppies in the shrines of Demeter, goddess of fertility, and Diana, goddess of the hunt. Poppies denote sleep, rest and repose. In modern times, poppies have been associated with Flanders fields as an emblem of those who died in World War I.
In Chinese Art poppies
represent the loyalty and faith between lovers. Acording to Chinese legend, a beautiful and courageous woman, Lady Yee, was married to Hsiang Yu, a warrior with Herculean strength. When Hsiang led his troops into battle, Lady Yee chose to follow him and stood by his side in every battle.
During a long and arduous war, Hsiang's army was surrounded and defeat is imminent. Lady Yee tried to boost his spirits by dancing with his sword. The petals of the poppy flower reflect her spirit as she dances in the wind with the sword. When this attempt failed, Lady Yee committed suicide. A cluster of poppies sprang in full bloom from her gravesite.
Take your pick !

Saturday 9 May 2009

Cherry Red

Earlier in the week a basket of cherries was sent, as tradition demands, to our esteemed President. We plebs were able to buy them at 4€/kilo in the market. Seems there is an abundance this year, that is if it doesn't rain.

Friday 8 May 2009

Parades and Serenades

8th of May and another public holiday when parades take place all over France. Today commemorates the end of the 2WW in Europe so it was up to our sister village where the Flame of Liberty shone bright . The gentleman on the left is 88 years old and heavily decorated including the Legion of Honour. He's a real charmer as are many of the "anciens combattants" I've met at these occasions. Speeches, a minute's silence, the Marsaillaise and the Partisans'Song which would bring a lump to anyone's throat, elevenses at the auberge then it was back down again for more of the same. Another apéritif and lunch chez Claude's in the mountains which is where the serenade part comes in. Now at last, the blog is bang smack up to date but for how long that's the question ....

Thursday 7 May 2009

The Usual Stuff

Association committee meeting, the Mairie, the delivery of the isothermic curtains for the Nest, all riveting stuff. feeling pleased that I'm getting on top of my "to do" list and managed to please people with the revamped "home page" of the Associations web site.
7th MayThe language exchange moved outside in view of the better weather and Anne's idea of us taking tapas to the bar afterwards was a good one. Tea chez Jany in the afternoon as I had to return our medieval costumes and then Dominique and Marylise came for an apéritif that lasted until after 11pm.

Monday 4 May 2009

1st Monday

Another of life's little rituals as we headed up into the mountains for Christian's surgery. Once gain there were only the two of us for dinner and once again I went for the duck.

Sunday 3 May 2009

Slothful Sunday

Tore ourselves away from our respective computers to have a glass of wine at the bar. Joined Kathy and friends of hers on the terrace and just enjoyed the sun. I can't tell you how good it is not to be organising something.

Saturday 2 May 2009

1st Barbeque

Of course it was market day today so Saturday was off to it's usull start. Quite a lot more people in the market with lots of English voices discernable. In the afternoon started to catch up with the backlog of reports for the village web site so my desk is starting to look clearer and the list more managable. i suppose when that's all taken care of I'll need to tackle the ironing.
In the afternoon we had asurprise invitation from Michel to see "Twighlight" with he and Joëlle. Much publicised here, it wouldn't normally have been a film I would have wanted to go and see but I was actually pleased I did and it was in English. Finished off with bbq sausage and red wine.

Friday 1 May 2009

May Day

A public holiday and we headed off with Jean and Françoise for a day out. Stopped off in Figueres for a coffee where there was a specialist food street market. Lots of chacuterie, honey, cakes etc. much better than the food fair we went to last month. However, our goal was La Bisbal where there's a huge street market. The trip was something of a hommage to our mutual friend José and continued down to Llafranc for lunch by the sea. Just look at how blue it is.