Saturday 19 September 2009

Belated Birthday Celebrations

Not content with getting ready for this evenings 'do' we participated in the European Museums' Open Doors day with a visit to La Jonquera. If you're a regular follower of the blog you'll know that we also did it last year. Well, this was a rerun with transport in military vehicles, museum visit, walk along the the route of the Retirada and lunch at the Auberge. There were fewer of us than last time partly as there was less publicity and partly with this being the 60th anniversary there was a major commemoration at Riversaltes where one of the biggest refugee camps was set up. Still the sense of history and the suffering of the people as they fled Franco and fascism was ever present. Among our number were some sons and daughters of the refugees and it was interesting that some of them asked why we (the Brits) were there. It didn't take long to explain...
The evening was a completely different affair ... an apéritif musical ... with a Catalan guitarist and a Scottish piper who played on the terrace of the local bar. There must have been about 70 of us altogether and it was the first time in my life that I had ever had a big birthday party! The piper went down a real treat and he was oh so patient when asked the usual question. It brought a real lump to my throat as he came walking across the square playing "Scotland the Brave". Rather than have birthday presents I asked if people would like to make a donation to a new association in the village which aims to support a group of women in the Democratic (!) Republic of Congo against whom rape has been used as weapon of war. Before you start to feel sorry for me this idea is not usual here in France so I did get some pressie's as well. Alistair stayed over for the night and a few of us continued in the house which meant that there was another chance to have "Flower of Scotland".

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