Saturday 12 September 2009

All Aboard!

22 of us from the Association set off to take Le petit Train Jaune as far as Mont Louis. It was a good crowd without the almost obligatory moaner, the scenery was superb and there were lots of laughs as we chugged our way up to 1,600m. Some took to the open carriages but we prefered a bit more comfort. A mini bus was at the station to take us the 1km or so up to the restaurant where we arrived just in time for a good lunch. Unfortunately as we left the resto to visit of the town, the rain came on but undaunted we went off to visit the citadelle with it's huge water wheel and well. The fort, built by the famous military architect, Vauban is still inhabited by a commando traing school so we weren't able to stray too far and just this year several towns with Vauban fortifications were listed by Unesco. By the time we were ready to walk down to the station, the rain had eased and despite the wet seats the same hardy few braved the outside carriages again. Not wanting to go straight home, Patrick, Jany and ourselves went into Villefranche for an apéritif and found a Visa gold card lying on the ground! Of course, we handed in to the bank the following but they didn't seem in the least bit interested to have any details. Strange and a bit perturbing.

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