Monday 28 September 2009

Salty Old Queen of the Sea

A 8am start for the 1h.45 drive to Copenhagen where Lone acted as tourist guide while Jesper went to a meeting. Weather was dull so we started with a stroll around colourful Christiana, a somewhat anarchic squat in an large area that was once barracks. There were lots of interesting sights but there were also lots of signs that asked for 'no photos' - wonder why?? The best way to see the city Lone thought was by canal boat and this certainly got Christian's vote! The leisurely chug along the waterways was effortless, there was plenty to see and only a few drops of rain. Of course there was the little mermaid and as she's off to visit China at the beginning of next year our timing was good. Ready for lunch we headed off into the main shopping area lined with smart shops but they could wait. Ate in a Turkish restaurant, wandered a bit and then met up with Jesper for the return jouney to a light snack and take-it-east evening.

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