Saturday 26 September 2009

Let's Party

Saturday started as Saturday always starts with a trip to the market. More or less all food with even a Scottish cheddar cheese maker who's been in Denmark for donkey's years. There was another wander through picturesque streets as far as the Hans Christen Anderson museum but we only stopped to buy post cards. Then it was lunch outside where several clients used the blankets that were provided but not us hardy souls, we're made of sterner stuff. Today is our wedding anniversary (18 years) and we celebrated by celebrating the 60th birthday of our hosts' friend Colette. The party was held in the workshop of her husband's (a famous sculpter) workshop. A rock n roll lesson, a dance card to fill, lots of fizz, scrummy buffet, friendly people and a taxi ride home with a bottle of champagne to keep us company! The Danes know how to pary!

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