Tuesday 15 December 2009

Around the Christmas Tree

Very cold today, almost arctic and what better occupation than to defrost the freezer. Daily routine has to go on but I'm glad to say that that it isn't all chores 'cos everyone knows the saying about "all work....". This evening there was the Mairie's Christmas party with a super aperitif laid on and Papa Noël who came to fill the empty chair. Every employee and ex-employee had a basket full of goodies, all the children of the employees had a present and all the council members had a box of very swish chocolates. Once the apéro was over there was of course the clearing up to do ... chores at home then more chores, that's the merry-go-round of life . Chantal and Jean-Marie came back to ours for coffee+ so we were soon back on the pleasure track.

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