Thursday 10 December 2009

Oh, so Sedate!

Thursday again and as usual there was the language exchange in the morning followed by tapas at the bar. In the afiernoon it was on with the best bib and tucker for the over 65s tea party in the village hall except there wasn't much evidence of a cup of tea. Instead there was cider, fruit juice and sparkling wine to help down the abundance of delicious petit fours. it was oh too easy to have just one more ... Despite a one - man band doing his best to get things going, there weren't a lot of folk up dancing and the atmosphere was somewhat restrained. Maybe the over 70's lunch next week will be a more lively affair. It certainly was last year. Despite party frock and heels once everyone was gone we set to and helped clear up. I do more cleaning in that b----y hall than ever I do at home! You might think that a couple of pensioners like us had already spent a hectic enough day but all was not finished as we'd been invited up to dinner with Madeline. She had Bill (a Paisley buddy) staying and he kept us well entertained though I'm not sure quite what Annie, who we'd picked up on the way, thought about it all. As usual, Madeline did us proud and next time she'll definitely come down to us as we've a date in the diary for February.

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