Monday 14 December 2009

Flutters of Snow

How lucky we were to have had it dry for the market yesterday. Today it's even colder and it's been trying to snow. It's lying on higher ground but here in the village it's just wet under foot. Spent the morning taking down the posters and was on the computer all afternoon. Christian has recently tuned in to the updated "google earth" maps and found both our streets in all their glory. It's amazing but a bit worrying that you can see so much detail - and that's the version that's in the public domain.
The great French public has been much worried here by Johnny Halliday's health - every news programme carries the lastest bulletin from his bedside. Even Sarko has spoken about it. Boring or what and do I hear a chorus of 'who's Johnny Halliday anyway?'
This evening there was e debriefing about the Téléthon which ended with an apéritif which ended with an apéritif chez nous with Janine, Carmen and Jean-Claude.

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