Saturday 12 December 2009

Mountain Food

Did a photo shoot with Joséphine and Kathy in their flamenco gear so it was a good thing that it was bright and sunny though driving up to Jean-marie and Chantal's in the mountains was a bit of a trial for Christian with the low winter sun in his eyes. Our hosts have a fabulous house that really looks as if it's come out of a magazine and the views are are lovely but .... it is too far out of the village for the likes of us. Eventually we were joined by Michel, Joëlle, Philippe and Corinne for a lunch of foie gras, choucroute, cheese and two Christmas logs - one chocolate and one praline. Not for the faint hearted! Chantal is obviously someone who over-caters too! After the others had gone Jean-Marie and Chantal introduced us to the delights of Wii and the Tiger Woods golf game. I was surprised by how much fun it was and Christian is keen to get one. Talking of Tiger - what a mess he's making of things with his family and how much money will he lose now that advertisers don't want his tarnished image associated with their products.? Care, Care, do we care? Don't all rush to answer.

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