Friday 31 December 2010

No Bells!

Still not feeling well but we walked down to the sea front in Sleima and wandered along the prom; Nothing much of interest to see though I suppose we could have gone into the church to look around and pray for an early recovery. With the strong Italian influence very evident, Christian wanted to eat pizza so we went into a trendy looking place which looked down over the sea. I had ravioli (must remember to ask for 'no oil')which I could only force down half of and Christian was mightily disappointed with his soggy based pizza.
Made an effort to dress up for the gala dinner by which time I was really full of aches and pains. still no appetite and all I managed to eat was half a portion of salmon. as for drink ... nada! So, dear friends, my great idea to go away at New Year was hardly a great success and we were in bed by 10.30pm.

Thursday 30 December 2010

Almost the Raj!

Left the house at 4am for an early flight to Malta. As we couldn't check into our hotel until after lunch we set off in our hire car for Mdina and Rabat. All was very quiet but there again, Mdina is called the 'silent city'; it was a beautiful place and not too spoilt. Ate rabbit for lunch, an island speciality, after which we were ready for a wee siesta. Neither of us was feeling on top form and unusually for me I had next to no appetite.
Let me tell you about the hotel which was one of those places of fading grandeur. We had a good sized bedroom but being pretty cheap it didn't have any kind of view. The clientelle, needless to say, was mostly British, some of whom had been coming back for years. There was a kind of "forced" family atmosphere that prevailed and as you can imagine, there was one who saw himself as head of the household. You know the kind, all knowing, ever present with a word for everyone. Still, the staff were pleasant, the gardens pretty, even at this time of year and a lot of effort had been made to decorate the place.
We found it on the net and interestingly, Trip Advisor comments were very mixed. There were those who found it comfortable, friendly and clean while for others it was the exact opposite. We found it absolutely fine, especially for 20€ each B&B and an evening meal at 10€/head ... so what if the shower head fell down every now again and there was only BBC World on the satellite telly. It's like Ryanair ... you get what you pay for.

Monday 27 December 2010

Heading Home

Time to wend our way home by of Platja d'Aro with a bit of window shopping in mind. In the end it wasn't very interesting and seemed quite expensive.stopped off in Palau Sator for lunch in a down to earth village restaurant where we ate well, we're served by nice people and didn't pay a lot for the experience. Although you can't see it from the photo, this would be pleasant place for abit of al fresco dining in the warmer weather.

Sunday 26 December 2010

Costa Brava

Today we went in the opposite direction down to Tossa de Mar following the rugged coast which gave it its name.It is wild and savage, that is if you don't have any tourist developments in view. Weather is still cold and sunny and of course there is very little open, it being Sunday. We were surprised that there were so few restaurants open so after I'd zig-zagged up to the lighthouse (Christian gave it a miss)we retraced our steps in search of something to eat. Finally ended up back in St Feliu where we had a late but reasonable lunch. It's a good job that our room was a comfortable one as we spent another quiet night in.

Saturday 25 December 2010


Christmas day dawned over the sea before our eyes. What could be better than to wake up to such a glorious sunrise and to go to sleep to the sound of the waves breaking on the beach below? Took ourselves off to Platja d'Aro just a few kilometres away, a resort with a long sandy beach much beloved by German tourists . It was cold but lovely in the sun so we had a brisk(ish) walk and a hot chocolate before heading back to the hotel in time for lunch. Treated ourselves to a cava on the hotel terrace and then tucked in to our Christmas lunch which included patridge.
Another walk in the afternoon, this time along the coastal path and a quiet night in completed the day.

Friday 24 December 2010

Christmas Eve Picnic

Cold but with blue skies and sunshine and we had enough time in the morning to go over and see Josette to wish her "Happy Christmas". Her prodigal son arrived as well so it was a profitable journey.
Left after lunch for S'Agaro on the Costa Brava armed with some foie gras, champagne and chocolate raisins as we knew that the restaurant in the hotel was going to be closed. Had a wander around but off course it is a quiet place and there was only one other hotel open. We were toying with the idea of eating there but as we were looking at the menu, a German saga tour arrived and we decided to stick to our picnic.
The hotel was very nice; large room, huge bed, spacious shower and wall mounted flat screen tv. As there was nothing in French and very little in English we were pleased that we'd taken a recording of Wallander to watch. Oh yes, and there was a fabulous view from our room over the sea.

Thursday 23 December 2010

Festive Apéro

At long last Michelle, Jean-Jacques and Michel managed to get together for an apéritif just in time to toast Christmas.I did the savoury and Michel did the crêpes.

Wednesday 22 December 2010

The Rain from Spain

The rain had stopped when I decided to go out and deliver the Association's messages but sod's law ... the skies opened when I was half way round. Did I give up? No of course I didn't; I just kept going and arrived at Jany's for tea like a drowned rat.

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Winter Solstice

Waking up to find the space where the over loaded ironing basket usually sits was empty was a real pleasure. I haven't bored you with a blow by blow account of the ironing marathon that I've been doing but my goodness have I been working hard. Ironing and the blog just seem to run away from me. Maybe there is a New Year's resolution in there somewhere.
Tea at Michel's was a just reward.

Monday 20 December 2010

Lunch Break

Out with Anne and Henry for lunch in Thuir. One of those cheap and cheerful menus which confirm my feeling that our local bar is overpriced. We promised ourselves that we wouldn't leave it so long again but I think that we've said that before, maybe more than once. The rest of life and different valleys just seem to get in the way.

Sunday 19 December 2010

What Crisis?

From the depths of the duvet, I caught a tv report about a hotel in Paris that costs 20,000€/night and I don't suppose that that includes breakfast. Eye watering stuff, n'est-ce pas?. We spent a lazy day by the fire and entertained Jean and Françoise to tea and it didn't cost them a thing!

Saturday 18 December 2010

Senior Citizens

The annual OAPs lunch saw us tucking in, laughing, joking and dancing with the best of them. A super meal and a lot more fun that you would think. Should we be starting to worry? Then in the evening we were invited to Anne and Ian's for carols, mincepies and music. All very jolly!

Friday 17 December 2010


Started early for a day out in Barcelona organised by the Association. Fortunately the weather warmed up a bit during the day and there were no major problems. 50 of us left the village on a coach, 50 of us managed to meet up at the restaurant for lunch (even if some did complain that it was too much for what it was) and 50 of us made it back again.

Thursday 16 December 2010

A New Arrival

Extremely cold today so once again there was no walk. Workwise I had an Association meeting and Christion had a full council meeting. But it wasn't all work; we had coffee at Michel's and heard all about his trip to Thailand and took delivery of the new telly which is rather smart.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Visit from Santa

No walk again and today's excursion was to the Foyer for the Mairie Christmas apéritif and distribution of presents by Santa to the staff and their children and to the councillors. No, not a crate of champagne, a little box of delicacies.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

À Table!

It was far too cold to walk today so our only excursion was to Jean and Françoise's for dinner along with Linde, Kathy, Michelle and Christian. There was a hearty Moroccan soup on the menu and plenty of chat.

Monday 13 December 2010

I Can See You!

See, there aren't just birds at the lake.

Sunday 12 December 2010

Christmas is Coming

This year there was no getting up in the dark to set up the Christmas market and this year the weather was glorious. Warm enough to stay out all day. The Association had it's usual cake stall and we sold off some of the better pieces of jewellery, so no complaints there. Not particularly Christmassy but there was flamenco as well but it was a rear pleasure to watch. I suppose the Christmas carols, Santa and St Nicolas added the festive touch as did our bonnets.

Saturday 11 December 2010

Life's Up and Down Side

Went to the market and then treated ourselves to lunch up in the mountains which stood us in good stead to put in an appearance at the end of term school fête. Needless to say there were a load of hyperacive, screaming kids there as well as us. To make matters worse we won nothing in the rafle. Oh dear, I think I'm getting to become a Victor Meldrew.

Friday 10 December 2010


Struggled through the Spanish class and didn't do much else of interest.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Becoming a Twitcher

Only went to the Language Exchange for coffee and came home to do some work on the computer. Managed another walk this afternoon and saw a whole bunch of cormorants perched in a tree. Although the photo was taken from a distance, they're a bit more visible than the woodpecker. Not sure that you'd know they were cormorants though if I hadn't told you.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

I Spy

My hedonistic Association took up a fair part of today with a committee meeting and preparing an session for the English workshop in the morning, sorting out the left over jewellery at Maggie's in the afternoon and a meeting at the mairie in the evening. Our only 'us' time was a walk around the lake where I saw and tried to photograph a green woodpecker. Go on, look harder and you'll see it! I'll give you a clue; it's on the right.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Another World

The Association which supports some women in the Congo gave a presentation about Linde and Marie-Andrée's visit there to take equipment. They had numerous adventures along the way in difficult circumstances.I don't think I could now put up with such privation however good the "cause" but they are obviously made of sterner stuff.we were all very moved by what they had to say and from their experience there, a new goal was suggested for the next year to break the pattern of women's devaluation. It is hoped to sponsor a number of girls to go to secondary school as at the moment the custom is for them to stay home, work or marry once primary school is finished. The boys of course, continue their education. I came away feeling that I really must review where I put my energies this year; into an Association that revolves mainly around enjoying yourself with a committee that doen't want to look farther than it's own navel!

Monday 6 December 2010

Let Sleeping Ducks Lie

A bit warmer today so we ventured out to the lake for a walk. Not everyone was as energetic as us it seems. First Monday of the month and I accompanied Christian to his surgery. Once again no one came, once again we were the only people in the restaurant where once again we ate duck.

Sunday 5 December 2010

Easy Does It

There was a cold wind and we were both very tired so we lit the fire, heated up the wid boar stew that we bought yesterday at the Téléthon and just took it easy. Well, that is until Jean called by for an apéritif.

Thursday 2 December 2010


The annual Téléthon (Children in Need) swings into action in earnest this weekend but the Association as usual set up a stall at the market. This year we gave up selling plants in favour of cast off jewellery. Much less hard work but it was really cold standing around. Maggie still sold horse maure willingly provided by her faithful friends... 26 huge bags of it. Christian went into the Cardiologist's to have a 24 hour heart monitor put on so neither of us had any enthusiasm for a walk.

Went back to the Spanish class this morning though I'm not sure that I'll be able to keep it up as the others are so much more advanced. We made the effort to go to the lake but still feeling shivery, I only had the energy to do one circuit. We did however, put in an appearance for the release of the Téléthon balloons.

At the village hall to join in the Catalan brreakfast which was nothing but calorie laden charcuterie and pastries. I wasn't feeling very hungary but Christian did his best but later on had to go home feeling unwell. I stayed onand spent the rest of the day there selling the jewellery and being jolly despite feeling like ....!

Wednesday 1 December 2010

The Usual

Filled the fridge, walked around the lake where Christian tried out the hat that I'd knitted for him while we were away. In the evening it was my turn to help out at the English workshop so as you see it didn't take long to get back into the swing of things.

Tuesday 30 November 2010

St Andrew's Day

Not that there was either any haggis or whisky for us.I guess the snow is as near as we got to things Scottish. Left at about 9.30am which was just as well as there was an "alerte orange" (severe weather warning) and the snow ploughs were out rendering only one lane of the motorway open. Progress was relatively slow but had there been more traffic, it could have been worse. Came out of the tunnel at the end of the Massif Central to 6°, rain but no signs of snow. Amazing! Stopped in Pezanas for lunch for the third time and yet again we didn't find anywhere interestin to eat so ended up in the only place open. Please if any of you readers can give us a recommendation, we'd be pleased to give it a go.
It's so good to be home even though there's nothing in the fridge and Christian took himself off to a meeting at the mairie!

Monday 29 November 2010

Winter Wonderland

Time to go home but ready as we were to reach the south we'd made plans for an overnight stop in the Massif Central. The countryside was beautiful as we travelled through hard frost, freezing fog, snow and sunshine. Had lunch in Artan, just off the motorway where we found an honest, down to earth restaurant that did a good meal for 12€. What was even better was that there was a parking space right infront so there was no tramping through the snow to be done.
The B&B was also down to earth and comfortable though we did wonder what we were coming to when the bloke opened the door (remember there's thick snow outside) in his vest!

Sunday 28 November 2010

Family Affair

Packed our bags and said goodbye to No1 son and his family to go to No1 daughter's via cousin Kathy's where we had only time for a coffee. At Valérie's we celebrated No5 grandchild's birthady along with No2 son and his family. Still with me?

Saturday 27 November 2010

Spice of Life

As we'd heard that Alain, an old friend of Christian's from his student days had also had heart problems, we went round to see him and compare notes. In the afternoon Frank, Stéphanie and all the kids came for tea and in the evening Valérie served up a great tajine. We always seem to time our visits after they've been on holiday and thus benefit from Valérie's wish to try out some of the things they'd eaten. This time they'd been trekking in Morocco.

Friday 26 November 2010

Yet More Roast beef

Still very cold but we had to go and shop for this evening's dinner which we're in charge of. Lunch time we were invited to Léon and Christine's (in-laws)for lunch and yet another joint of beef.
Quite by chance we'd learnt a couple of days before that there was to be a visit to the orphanage (now a centre for children with disabilities)where Christian spent several very long years and it was to be followed by a reunion with some of the former "inmates". We were expecting a lot of upset but while the outside looked much the same, the inside was completely different so painful memories didn't surface. Everyone was more interested in what the others had been doing since they'd last seen each other. The afternoon had been organised by someone who had used Gilbert's (Christian's best friend in those days)memoires to write a book about the place. Of course there were copies on sale and Christian being Christian sweetly asked the author if there was a discount for the little orphans that he'd written about! We came away with a copy at half price.

Thursday 25 November 2010

More Roast Beef

Woke up to snow but we braved the weather to go to the market in Montivilliers and to have lunch with Christophe in a local créperie. In the evening we were reinvited to Sylvie and Christophe's where we had another roast beef meal and a good laugh about the mix up.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Olde Worlde

On duty as baby-sitters this morning so we took the bors to the market and had hot chocolate and a game of dominoes in the local bar. You can just about see the owner sitting at her desk collecting in her money like someone out of Dickens. The chocolate is expensive but it's worth for the experience. On the way out we fell prey to Madame who was selling a book that she had written about the place and the famous people who have eaten and drunk there.
All this made us a bit late for lunch with Jeanine who fed us our first roast beef meal of the week. In the evening we thought we'd been invited to Sylvie and Christophe's (more cousins) only to find that Sylvie who was in Paris, thought we were coming in December! A bit of a relief really as another big meal would have finished us off.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Old Times

The sun is still shining and it's still cold. Had lunch of roast pork with cousins Lydie, Bernard and Jeanine after which there was time to get out the family album and look at photos of when they all lived together.

Monday 22 November 2010

Normandy Shores

Sailed into Le Havre after a reasonable nights sleep more or less on time. Of course, chez Christophe everyone was out going about their daily business. We took ourselves off to Fecamp for a walk in the sun but my goodness it was cold; Searched aimlessly for somewhere out of the town to eat but what with it being a Monday in November we ended back close to the house before we found something. Spent the afternoon quietly and the evening in the busom of the family.

Sunday 21 November 2010

High Seas

Left Margaret's after a Sunday fry-up and went back to Jill's to pack, have a sandwich lunch and say our fond farewells. Called into Chris and Rosie's to say goodbye to them and Mum before heading south to take the overnight ferry. Weather was miserable but I braved the outdoors to try and take some photos of the "Spinnaker" but with rather strange results!

Saturday 20 November 2010

Yet More Wedding Bells

Our fourth wedding this year was a great mixture of tradition and innovation. The bride was in white, the groom in a morning suit, there were a host of bridesmaids and two best men. The venue however, was the Nottingham Playhouse which meant that we all had comfotable seats for the speeches and no need to crane our necks. The reception for 200 people was in a local tapas bar. Sign of the times ... we couldn't wait until 1am for the bus getting a taxi instead back to Margaret's. It was a really good do but David was sadly missed.

Friday 19 November 2010

Happy Families

As it was Mum's day, we bit the bullet and headed for Banbury, TK Max and Aldi. Needless to say, nothing jumped off the rails and into my arms. We had lunch in what I suppose would be called a gastro pub where Christian gave the sign his seal of approval. Had dinner with Jill, John and the kids and very good it was too.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Hoi Poloi

Took Mum over to Daylesford (those of you who read the Sunday broadsheets will know that this is the Cotswold Farm shop frequented by the rich and famous and of course a few nobodys like us). We had hoped to see one of the restaurant staff, a young Goan who became friendly with Mum when she and Barbara could still afford to come here for tea but unfortunaltely he as having to work elsewhere so it wasn't possible. Generously and a bit embarrassingly, he picked up the tab for our coffee. Hope the staff discount is a heafty one.
We had lunch of an eye-wateringly expensive sandwich in Stowe which arrived after a long wait but what do you expect from a Cotswold tourist village beloved of the green welly brigade?
After dropping Mum at home we joined John and Jill for a Chinese meal that more than made up for lunch.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

A word to Santa?

At last, a lazy start to the day with a walk around the town and lunch at the Bell which has now become a regular stop when we're in the area.took a trip to the garden centre in the afternoon, admired the Christmas decorations and had tea.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Crossing Counties

A very cold and misty start to the day but that didn't stop us from having a wee walk and admiring the countryside. Went into Hay to see Di in her natural habitat before setting off for leafy Warwickshire. Stopped off in Ross-on-Wye for lunch and then at the Evesham garden centre for tea and a browse through the shops in hope of finding a stunning outfit for the weddind on Saturday. Arrived at Mum's to a 'I thought you'd got lost' kind of welcome and stayed for tea before heading over to Jill and John's.

Monday 15 November 2010

Sea Breezes

Had a lovely walk along the prom and pier in welcome sunshine then after a quick lunch we set the GPS toward the Welsh border. It was a long drive to deliver Diana's painting but we were well recompensed with a good pheasant dinner..

Sunday 14 November 2010

Boating Weather?

A walk in the morning, then lunch with Jean, Nadine, Bruno and Christine chez Agnès. All too soon it was time to leave for the ferry in the wind and rain that had started up again. Met up with Valérie, Hugo and Maureen just long enough to hand over a few goodies. Believe it or not the centre of Le Havre is a UNESCU World Heritage site. Of course, like everywhere it looks better in sunshine.
Armed with our ipods the voyage went quickly enough and we arrived at Bob and Chris's in Bounemouth in time for a late supper at 10.30pm. Finally made it to bed for 2am after a couple of wee drams; Well, Bob is a Scot ...

Saturday 13 November 2010


The weather was every bit as bad today as yesterday but we travelled on ever further north to have lunch with Christian's godmother who was widowed a year ago. Her husband was 95 when he died and she is 90 this year. There was absolutely no question of going to the restaurant when she could cook. She is just one of those strong, amazing women who always find that there is something to be thankful for. I feel such a wimp in comparison!
From there it wasn't too long a drive to the town that we are twinned with. Stayed with Agnès and had dinner with several of the others chez Martine and Michel.... and what a feast!Martine really goes to a lot of trouble to feed her guests and we just loved it!