Friday 26 November 2010

Yet More Roast beef

Still very cold but we had to go and shop for this evening's dinner which we're in charge of. Lunch time we were invited to Léon and Christine's (in-laws)for lunch and yet another joint of beef.
Quite by chance we'd learnt a couple of days before that there was to be a visit to the orphanage (now a centre for children with disabilities)where Christian spent several very long years and it was to be followed by a reunion with some of the former "inmates". We were expecting a lot of upset but while the outside looked much the same, the inside was completely different so painful memories didn't surface. Everyone was more interested in what the others had been doing since they'd last seen each other. The afternoon had been organised by someone who had used Gilbert's (Christian's best friend in those days)memoires to write a book about the place. Of course there were copies on sale and Christian being Christian sweetly asked the author if there was a discount for the little orphans that he'd written about! We came away with a copy at half price.

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