Tuesday 30 November 2010

St Andrew's Day

Not that there was either any haggis or whisky for us.I guess the snow is as near as we got to things Scottish. Left at about 9.30am which was just as well as there was an "alerte orange" (severe weather warning) and the snow ploughs were out rendering only one lane of the motorway open. Progress was relatively slow but had there been more traffic, it could have been worse. Came out of the tunnel at the end of the Massif Central to 6°, rain but no signs of snow. Amazing! Stopped in Pezanas for lunch for the third time and yet again we didn't find anywhere interestin to eat so ended up in the only place open. Please if any of you readers can give us a recommendation, we'd be pleased to give it a go.
It's so good to be home even though there's nothing in the fridge and Christian took himself off to a meeting at the mairie!

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