Saturday 30 January 2010

Even More Walking

The sun is still still shining though it's bitterly cold but the latter is no excuse for hardy Scots not to walk. We made it as far as Kelvingrove where we stopped at the museum for a hot chocolate. Parted company at this point as Christian was ready to catch a bus into town. Started off with lunch at "Urbane", part of the same group as the Dining Room" and we would say, even better. Looked at the shops, had a drink in the "Horseshoe Bar" which is now full of tvs on the walls and a shadow of its former self. Took a taxi back in time for a tapas style dinner for which we were joined by Jess and Eamon. Jess is a humanist celebrant and Eamon was for a long time, Chair of Glasgow City Council Finance Committee so conversation was lively though with the prospect of an 8.30am walk we decided to be reasonable and get to bed before midnight.

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