Sunday 17 January 2010

Went to buy a Car and didn't come back with a Settee

This time we set out to look at a new car and did the deal without too much hesitation and if you don't understand the settee reference, just ask. Back to BMW and it seems to be so much more economical on fuel and doesn't have "runflat" tyres which means that hopefully we'll limit our running costs. Christian is dead pleased of course. On our way back we stopped off at a Lebanese restaurant which does quite a good weekday menu for 14€. Tuesday the Mayor invited the village to the Foyer Municipal for the traditional "vœux" which consisted of him giving a rundown of what the Council have been doing over this last year and what they hope to do next year. 5 more speeches and nearly two hours after we'd arrived we were finally able to get at the apéritifs. André, the mayor was in buoyant mood and we were invited back to his place to finish off the evening. Thursday there was a committee meeting and the language exchange followed by a tapas lunch. Friday I went for my well woman check up and was delighted to have not put on as much weight as I'd feared and my blood pressure was the best that it's ever been. After that it was afternoon tea at Josette's. Jean-Jacques came around for dinner last night and today I've been catching up with computer stuff. So all in all a pretty good week for us and I can't help thinking about the earthquake in Haiti and how lucky we are....

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