Monday 25 January 2010

Rabbie was Here!

Rabbie Burn's birthday and we were in Mauchline where he lived for some time. Stayed in the b&b around the corner from Ann and Noel's and what else should we have for breakfast but haggis! Weather was cold and dreech but hey it's January and we were there to see friends. In the morning we went off to get Christian a 'Tomtom' to put in the new car when it finally arrives and it's lovely to see him smiling at me again!
In the evening Angus and Maureen were around for dinner and of course a rendition of 'My love is like a red, red rose' sung by Angus and with all that we had to drink, he wasn't far wrong. Ann's Mum who is 92 and doesn't drink looks just wonderful so the moral of the story, folks, is .....

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