Thursday 7 January 2010

Three Snow Queens

Well, I've finally done it. I've given in notice to the village web site that I'm finishing in February. No more St Jordi to organise, no more Christmas market, no more feeling guilty though I'm sure that won't mean that life moves over into the slow lane. After three days of damp weather and watching snow bound UK and Normandy on the tv, the snow has started to come down here. Christian is at the Mairie until 5pm and then has a meeting at 6pm. I've been fighting with the computer trying to create a forum to attach to the association's website. I never seem to learn but we do need (well, "moi" in my wisdom, thinks that we do) a means of quick communication between members. A bit ironic really given where I started this post but at least once this one's up and running I shouldn't have much to do.
This morning we had the traditional galette des rois (see last year's post around this time) with about 40 members of the association. All very jolly. Last year there were three wise kings, this year the women are fighting back... and that's before we hit the traditional accompaniment of cider!
A busy weekend coming up socially so you'll notice there's no comment about the diet. Christian's back a wee bit early and has just shouted up that tea's ready so we'll light the fire and and feel glad that we're not having to live rough.

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