Friday 1 January 2010

New Year 2010

Took ourselves over to Marie and Pierre's near Limoux (where the blanquette comes from which as well as being a French creamy veal stew is a sparkling wine made in this area.)
Jean-Michel, Sylvie and their 3 spaniels were already there. Worked our way through a number of bottles and two ducks though once again I didn't feel well and went to bed soon after the bells. That's the second time at their place and the second New Year's eve running that I've taken ill and before you start nodding wisely, it aint because I'd drunk too much.
The next day I stuck to water and was fed braised chicory instead of chips and I have to say that I was in better shape than the rest of them but not as well satisfied! Weather was wet and windy which put pay to Marie's bright idea of a bbq lunch when the bbq took off across the garden scattering embers as it went. Otherwise it was a lazy day of reading, watching the New Year's concert from Vienna and sleeping.

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