Tuesday 7 September 2010

The Rain in Spain

Being with friends and having a laugh at least made up for all the things that didn't work out on this trip and all too soon it was time to say "goodbye" to John and Jean. The rain was heavy but by the time we made it to Espelette it had at least stopped. What a wee place .... the houses decorated with strings of the red peppers that they grow ar quite something. How I regretted not having my camera.
From here we drove south to Pamplona (where the bull run is)and wandered around the town with it's grand architecture and pleasant squares. Found a good restaurant for lunch The drive back into France was through some spectacular scenery. Our hotel for the night was from one of those gift boxes where you get a voucher and a bookful of places to chose from, you know the kind ..... they look great at the start but when you try to narrow it down by situation, availability and with a restaurant on site, the choice in the end isn't so great. Still, our hotel, although in the middle of nowhere was comfortable and just what we needed. What we didn't need was the pounding rain and a characterless hostess!

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