Friday 3 September 2010

Pictures from an Exhibition

Spent Wednesday afternoon (1st Sept) helping Margaret hang her pictures, Thursday there was the AGM of an Association which supports women in the RDC who have been subjected to systematic rape during the course of the war and now apparently the hostilities have subsided, this barbary continues. The women's histories are just too awful and of course are well under-reported.
To more banal matters; Joëlle and Daniel popped in this afternoon to bring a belated birthday gift and to have a cuppa. Then it was a quick change, well, we couldn't let Margaret down, and it was off to the vernissage which was an out and out success.
Never seen anything like it. People were falling over themselves to get a red sticker on the paintings. The most popular was the one of the old mairie for which she's received two requests for copies! There was a great buzz created by all the folk there who universally remarked on the quality of her work. All this was accompanied by music played by Penny on the flute and Don on the guitar. Margaret bravely gave her speech in French with a few prompts from Mr Le Maire. Afterwards there was the usual apéritif and more unusually, 13 of us went to the bar for something to eat. Food's going downhill and is overpriced so the sooner, the new restaurant that is rumoured to be opening does so, the happier I'll be.
By the way, "Pictures from an Exhibition" played by the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra was the first ever classical concert I'd been to and I just loved it. Went with another student who was studying worms, if you can believe that. funny, how your mind can hop about from one thing to another.

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