Monday 6 September 2010

Give me Chocolate!

Things looked brighter this morning aided by a good breakfast. Went back to Bayonne around which we did several circuits trying to get to Darty to buy a camera. The euphoria of the breakfast soon wore off as we could see the shop but couldn't find the right way through to it. A real waste of time in the shop as the assisstant didn't know much about the cameras and said that if we took one, it would take quite a long time to charge so we ended up not bothering. In great need of a pick-me-up we went in search of the best chocolaterie in France (well, according to our friend, Michel it is)to drink hot chocolate and then to wander around the town. Had an indifferent lunch on the main square seved by a decidedly grumpy waitress. Went onto Biaritz and St Jean de Luz where we ended up in the wrong part of the resort. More Southend than Basque fishing port. Shouldn't have forgotten the guide book, I suppose! We had more success after that visiting some very picturesque villages and found a Logis de France for dinner which didn't disappoint.

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