Sunday 19 September 2010


The annual forum for the village associations was moved this year from October to September and instead of being for two days was for only one. More importantly, the other change was that I was only there for some of the time as I no longer had to be there for the village website. Christian, on the other hand, did more or less the full day as "Mr Communication", his new role with the Mairie. He's inherited this job as the person who did it before was "relieved" of the post as she and one or two others are taking the Mayor to court over the proposed building of 8 houses near where she lives ... in other words NIMBY!
That aside, it was a lovely sunny day day and there were some sheep dog trials and a dog obedience and agility competition. Given that the organised meal was another paella, we gave it a miss for a light bite at home.So you see, we can be reasonable from time to time.

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