Thursday 11 November 2010


Here in France today is a public holiday and every village, town and city has its parades and commemorations. By now you'll know the routine - we attended two ceremonies, one in each part of the commune; each with a refreshment afterwards. I found today's particularly moving as the Mayor had written a poem dedicated to women and their often ignored contribution. In both villages he received sponaneous applause. When I have time, I might even put it on the blog for you all to see. The weather is glorious and not in the least cold.
Being a holiday we decided to eat at the local auberge ... any excuse!
Did you hear the news report of the near diplomatic incident in China? David Cameron who is on a visit there was wearing a poppy and the Chinese thought it was a reference to the 19th century opium wars. Don't know if it had an effect on the rather meagre number of contracts he's come away with. Sarkozy, on the other hand, did very well which considering all the problems over Tibet between the the two countries last year makes you wonder what's been given in exchange. Maybe I'm just being an old cynic.
Jesper came around for a drink this evening and now it's time for a relatively early night, so "goodnight, one and all".

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