Wednesday 3 November 2010

Is it really November?

Even though today was meant to be our day together, Christian went early to the Mairie for a meeting with the printer of the commune's newsletter. Still, I know that it's a relief for him to finally get it away so I didn't give him any grief. Eventually made it to Figueres where the shops were still open and had a stroll around in the glorious and very warm sunshine (24°). More by luck than judgement we found ourselves at a very pleasant restaurant in Palau Severada where we ate out on the terrace. Definitely one that ticks the must-go-again box.
Once home it was off to the museum to remove Margaret's paintings and in the evening there was a get together with the neighbours for a castenyade (roast chestnuts). This year's theme was les pommes/pommes de terre (ie apples and potatoes). My apple cake went straight fromthe oven to the table but as we were outside, it had time to cool. It was incredible; we were out until nearly 11pm and it was only then starting to feel cold.

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