Sunday 15 January 2012

70th Celebration Take2

Jean thought he was going to Nicolas and Guillane's for a surprise birthday party for her but arrived with present in hand to find a group of red flag waving friends singing "The Internationale". We'd driven up with Philippe, Pascalina and Linde, the sun was shining and we were able to chat and have our apéritifs in the garden. Rum punch and a soupe de 'champagne' made from chilled sparkling wine, cointreau, lemon juice and sugar cane syrup. I was so pleased that Christian wasn't driving. The main buffet was served indoors with a slide show depicting the many and various exploits in his life and I have to say, he was a very good looking bloke in his youth.
Guillane played the accordeon and his women friends came on in costume representing his different perceptions of them. I came as Juliette in search of her Romeo in memory of our visit to the cinema without Françoise to see "Shakespeare in Love".
By the end of all this, it was time to cut the cake which had been made by Benoît's father-in-law. Then all that was left to do was to wend our way back down the mountain and spend a quiet evening in front of the telly.

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