Saturday 21 January 2012

Fin de Semana

19.1.12 Not the most exciting way to spend the evening but duty called and we went off to a neighbouring village for the Maire's New Year's wishes. Brownie points for Christian ans the chance for us to Have a word with Danielle who is on the council there.
20.1.12 Only Spanish today and thankfully, I'm managing to keep up, at least during the lesson. Not retaining an awful lot and am far too shy to try and put it into practice. It's not easy, you know learing a language through a language that's not your own ... ah yes, the lessons are in French! But it's the weekend and there will be time for a bit of revision.
21.1.12: The sun is still shining and before heading for the market, I went out delivering the Association's latest batch of messages. The market was as ever, full of people to catch up with and it was over an apéritif with Martine while basking in the sunshine, that we decided to go to Mas Salelles for lunch. Came home and worked off the extra calories by cleaning the terrace and weeding the pots of herbs. well, I did, Christian had a snooze.

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