Saturday 14 January 2012

A Bit of This and a Bit of That

9th Jan:
There was time in the afternoon to watch a recording of "Earth Flight" and what superb photography. This photo was taken from the tv.
Christian had to go up into the mountains on his own for tonight's "permanence" as I needed to stay here to open up for the Association's first oriental dance session. Anyway, the restaurant is closed for the next few weeks so the re's not the same motivation. Christian, of course, has his civic obligations to fulfill.
10th Jan:
More meetings for Christian starting at 9am in a village down the coast and finishing at 8pm after another meeting in another village in the opposite direction.
11th Jan:
Managed a walk in the sun around the lake before attending the "Voeux du Maire" in the village hall. We'd expected some heckling against the proposed development of a small shopping centre (and I do mean small) and some social housing in the centre of the village. Elsewhere people complain about out of town development ... well, not here! After the traditional apéritif and galette des rois we were invited back to Jacques' for omelette and a wicked Margarhita made by his son Pierre who is half Mexican. A late night was had by all.
12th Jan:
Exchange in the morning followed by a drink in the bar were we caught up with Nancy who is over from the States on one of her whirlwind visits. In the afternoon Nicole and Patrick came for tea and no sooner than they'd gone, Lone and Jesper came for apéritifs. No worries with some forward planning it all came together without mishap. We spent a pleasant evening and of course, talked about the new Danish drama "Borgan" which apparently means the equivalent of our "Westminster".
13th Jan:
Friday 13th and it has been an unlucky day. France lost its Triple A status and an Italian cruise ship sank with all sorts of stories about the Captain's far from positive role. The crew ie, "les petits peuples"or little people apparently did the best that could under the circumstances. Pity they're not paid by results.
On a cheerier note we had dinner with Juste and Joséphine with lentils and bacon (Christian's favourite dish) on the menu.
14th January:
Went to the market as is usual for a Saturday. Weather is still sunny and the skies still blue. Gave Nancy a lift in and met up with Françoise for an apéritif. As Nancy has to have her roof here fixed, she invited us all for lunch at a nearby pizzeria as she expects to be broke before too long.

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