Saturday 7 January 2012

United Nations

We decided to take James and Beverly out and show them a couple of places on our tourist trail. The weather was sunny so we put the top down on the car and set off in good spirits. Just to fill you in, James, a New Zealander, is an artist and Bev, an American, works in finance. On the way down to Mas Salelles for lunch, we stopped off at another restaurant on the way for their future reference and for James to take photos for future paintings. Lunch was as good as usual but sadly José said they'd been very quiet over the festive season. From there we went up to the lake where as you can see, the water hasn't receded much. I think that the sign saying 'no parking for caravans' is somewhat obsolete! Last stop was to stock up on cava before arriving home just as it was starting to get dark. All in all, a good day; James and Bev certainly seemed to enjoy their meal and discovering new places. They are good company and I like to think that we are too!

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