Thursday 30 August 2012

A Welcome Change

After three days working solidly on the website and, yes, the photos are still disappearing, a committee meeting and language exchange was good reason to leave the computer and go out into the outside world. Even better was taking Françoise out for lunch to celebrate her birthday. Had planned to go to Pont de Molins but as Jean had to do some work for their son in the afternoon we contented ourselves with a restaurant closer to home. The chef there is classed as a "Toque Blanche",a title given to the best chefs in a Départment, a toque being a chef's hat. Gin and tonic was of course, Françoise's apéritif of choice and one of the little canapés was a cherry tomato done like a toffee apple. Original to say the least.
Ps. We've finally had some rain!

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