Sunday 5 August 2012

What Luck!

Feeling tired but there was no chance for a Sunday morning lie-in as we were off to our Catalonian twin village for their annual market. Weather is still very hot but rain is expected. As usual, it was fun with a lovely friendly atmosphere and there were a couple of stall holders there from the village too. Apéritifs and tapas were offered to us and sadly for the waistline, it was all too hard to resist. Met up with some of the Normans as well as Maggie and her French friends so instead of just being two at the table we booked on Thursday we were now nine.
We were home by about four which gave Christian time for a nap before going to help with the open air cinema. I gave it a miss and watched the fabled 100mts and Andy Murray win gold.
And ... the rain held off until just after the film had finished.

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