Thursday 9 August 2012

Norman Conquest

6th August:
Spent most of the day catching up with the blog which was over a month out of date. Being the 1st Monday, we took the road up into the mountains for the 3rd time in five days. Needless to say there was no Mairie business to be done. Just the usual social call from the guy who lives upstairs. Still, it gave Christian the opportunity to put up new posters and take down old ones; Michel the opportunity to have a doze and me the chance to try and read the 'The Alchimist" by Paul Coelho set as Spanish holiday homework.
Duty done we went up to Michel and Michelle's to join the Normans over an apéritif that lasted two hours, a bbq accompanied by lots of wine, champagne and endless liquers made from plants. Michel provided the musical entertainment until finally at 2am we all decided it was time to leave and find our beds. It had been some night!
7th August:
Needless to say, Tuesday we were feeling lethargic but there was no time to be lazy as Bruno, Christine and Nathan were coming to dinner. They too didn't feel up to partying to excess.
8th August:
Third day in a row spending some time with the Normans (instead f going to Brian and Dani's party, this time over an apéritif dinatoire at the Maire's house.
They leave on Saturday in time for us to get ourselves back together for the arrival of our Normandy family. Who can blame them all from coming south when their weather has been pretty depressing while we, on the other hand, just bask in wall to wall sunshine and gloat.

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