Saturday 18 August 2012

Short but Sweet!

The family were due to go off to a house they'd rented in the Arriège so the few days that they were here passed very quickly.
14th August:
Jean and Françoise stopped by and joined us on the terrace for some very tast "Tarragon Rabbit", even if I do say so myself. Writing this as I am about two months after the event, I can't remember where I found the recipe so can't share it.
15th:A Public Holiday
A momentous day for Valérie and Maureen as they did the annual hike up into the mountains for the first time. Over 10kms, uphill all the way and blistering heat. The rest of us drove up and were there to see them receive their prize after which we all tucked into the traditional paella that fed about 200 people.
The family were out for the day and we went over to the wine bar for a tapas lunch after the language exchange.Valéie cooked dinner and we drank lots of cava.
Took the motorway over the border from where the view of the fire ravaged countryside
was plain to see. Wound our way up to our usual Spanish Civil war village to have coffee and do the history trail. Won't bore you with yet another photo of visitors infront of the monument instead here's Christian and Valérie. Tried out a restaurant in Darnius that we'd been told was good ..... umph and then went down to the lake for a short time before making an early retreat home. Despite being warmer in Normandy than it is here,there are still wild fires breaking out and we're on water restrictions, i.e., watering of vegetables prohibited between 8am and 8pm and no watering of flowers at all even if you have a well. My herbs are getting used vegetable water and the flowers washing up water.
Said goodbye to the last of this season's Norman visitors and attacked the cleaning!

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