Friday 10 August 2012

Life in the Raw!

Yesterday was quiet with not even a trip to the bar after the language exchange.
Today, we decided to head for the hills as temperatures reached 38 deg. There was no sitting on the terrace chez Conxita when we stopped for a drink before going to eat in a restaurant recommended by a few people. Sadly, we were disappointed; Mas Salelles still keeps it's place as our No1.En route we were able to see how close last month's fires came to homes and the smell of smoke still lingers. Fires are raging in other parts of Spain too, notably the Canaries. Everywhere is tinder dry.
Following lunch we went down into the town to have our hair cut; in the evening we went to the first part of a concert of Baroque music in the church. Not exactly our cup of tea. From there we went to the recreation ground where there was a meal of "moules/frites" and a disco but we stayed only long enough to have a drink and say goodbye to the Normans who leave tomorrow. Before going home, however, we did stop off at the bar where Jean-Louis and Jean-Marc sat for sometime with their feet in the fountain after which Jean-Louis clipped his toe nails!!! I can hear you from here "do we really need to know this?" .... well, it is part and parcel of the bar's rich tapestry of life.

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