Friday 1 November 2013

Another Week Whizzes By

Saturday came round again so it was off to the market as usual. Met up with Michelle and Henri who invited us for an apéro at their place. We were also invited to pick some olives off the tree in their garden, if we wanted but we didn't! Sitting out in the sun, (yes, it's still possible) the apéritif rolled into an impromptu lunch. What else was there to do afterwards but to go home and relax (read snooze for Christian).
Christian had an early start today as he was helping with the refreshments during a long distance race. I wandered up to where he was working and then once all the runners had gone through, we all headed down to the bar for an apéritif.
Christian's spent a good part of today setting up a blog for the élections.
Lunch at Michel's. Made a lime meringue pie for dessert as our contribution.
Lunch with Anne and this time there weren't any hiccups. Sadly, we haven't revised our opinion and the only way that we'll go back is if there's an invitation that we can't get out of.
Weather is a little cooler but there was enough sunshine to eat out at the restaurant this lunch time. There was a vernissage at the Mairie this evening followed by an apéritif  then I dashed home to slap some icing on the carrot cake that I'd made and Christian went off to a meeting. The cake, by the way, was for a soup and roast chestnut street party with the neighbours. By 9.30pm, it started to get a bit chilly and people started to head home with some coming back to ours for a nightcap and some more chat.
Today's a Public Holiday (All Saints) and apart from finally getting the blog up to date for the first time in two months, we're just being lazy.

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