Saturday 7 December 2013

Fund Raising

30 hours in the first weekend in December are designated as the prime time to raise funds for the Téléthon but as you'll know if you have been following this blog, that the village has already held a number of events. Yesterday afternoon children became the focus with sweets and the release of balloons; this evening it was the turn of young people with a zumba and dance display followed by a disco. We went to watch the balloons and have a drink but gave the disco a wide body swerve. Yes, I know, you veterans of "Chitchat" will know that it was the same last year and the year before that and before that .... Came home, lit the fire and prepared an apéritif dinatoire for Jean-Jacques who stayed until 12.45am

After a low key time yesterday, today was full on starting with a hunter's breakfast (bread, cheese,
charcuterie, coffee and red wine) in the village hall. Christian got stuck in while Maggie and I set up our accessory stall. We had two young women, Xavia and Lou, who offered there help and they were just great, going around the hall "encouraging" people to buy tickets for the bottle stall. Managed to get an hour for lunch - a plate of spaghetti carbonara for me and skate wing for Christian at the bar. The hall was packed in the afternoon for the British tearoom and the draw of the raffle which had 50 prizes. The President stopped by to drink tea , chat and congratulate us when we told her that we'd made 492.75€. She had disappeared before the end so it was the foot soldiers who cleared up, packed up and wearily trudged home for a wee pick me up.
ps. The village raised about 13,500€, not bad, eh?

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